Website hosting is a very unique situation for Realtors and QUANTUS HOST understands that. That's why we have designed web hosting packages specifcally with the Realtor in mind.
Realtors have a unique need when it comes to web hosting. They don't necessarily need a lot of server space, but they do need a lot of bandwidth. We know that their web pages and photos of their listings don't take up a lot of space on the server, but to show those pictures to prospective buyers will quickly use up the bandwidth.
Here is a typical scenario for just one listing:
- Let's say that a listing has 10 photos (20 if you count the small thumbnail images as well)
- Each of those photos are an average of 181kb (including it's associated thumbnail)
- This listing gets 100 views per day
Now, let's do the math:
10 photos x 181kb each= 1,810kb
100 views x 1,810kb = 181,000kb
30 days x 181,000kb = 5,430,000kb
5,430,000kb / 1,024 = 5,303mb
5,303 / 1,024 = 5.18gb
Even though the space taken up on the server is less than 1.77mb, the bandwidth required to show those pictures is 5.18gb. As you can see, not much space is needed on the server, but the bandwidth required to show the pictures is quite high.
QUANTUS HOST Realtor hosting was designed with all of this in mind.
We have lowered the amount of space for the site, but dramatically increased the bandwidth for our Realtor hosting packages (as compared to typical shared hosting). |